No sooner has last weekend faded into history, and we are now all looking forward to the fantastic celebration of the birth of Christ over the next weekend.
On Thursday, decorators are meeting in the church to put the final touches to the Sanctuary, which has been left bare throughout Advent. The Christingles are in the process of being assembled, and all this amongst the mad rush of last minute shopping for food and presents.
Here is our weekend line up: ALL at NOCTON !!!!!
Christmas Eve - Christingle Service at 4pm (Led by Chris Hewitt)
Christmas Eve - Midnight Mass at 11.30pm (Led by Canon Tim Thompson)
Christmas Day - Eucharist at 9.30am (Led by Rev. Les Whitfield)
Boxing Day - Family Carol Service at 11am (Led by Rev. Les Whitfield)
Please try and join us for at least one act of celebration over the Christmas period.
All Saints Church is OPEN for public worship on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 9.30 am and on the 1st Sunday of the month at 6pm. Please see our "Who's Who" page for contact details of keyholders. Rector: Lorna Brabin-Smith 01522 794868
Monday, 20 December 2010
Sunday, 19 December 2010
What a busy day in Nocton
A freezing start to the day of around -7c, did not put a chill on villagers Christmas spirits, as different organisations put on events for the community.
The Christmas Tree Festival in the church commenced its last day, we had a steady flow of visitors, but the weather has put many people off which has been quite disappointing. However the mulled wine, freshly baked sausage rolls and mince pies lightened things up. The Dunston Band played again brilliantly. Thanks to Roy and all the members who came along.
At 5.30 the Village Carol Singers started their annual rounds covering for the first time in the last few years the whole of Nocton Park. Many thanks to all those who took part singing or collecting, and thanks to the great many people who opened their doors to us and gave us a donation - Hopefully not just to go away!!!
We raised a fabulous £125, twice the amount raised last year....Thanks to all of you. We will split it equally between the Church Roof Restoration project and our long term sponsored charity MIND.
Afterwards we all retired to the Village Hall for warm drinks and food put on by the Village Hall Management Committee, organised by Philip and Joan, Pete and Lorna. And a Big Big thankyou for donating the takings of the evening to the carol singing pot.
The Christmas Tree Festival in the church commenced its last day, we had a steady flow of visitors, but the weather has put many people off which has been quite disappointing. However the mulled wine, freshly baked sausage rolls and mince pies lightened things up. The Dunston Band played again brilliantly. Thanks to Roy and all the members who came along.
Afterwards Santa paid another visit to the village this time at the Nocton Social Club. Lots of of children received their first present of this Christmas today, others were heard 'Ordering' their IPod Shuffles directly from Santa.
At 5.30 the Village Carol Singers started their annual rounds covering for the first time in the last few years the whole of Nocton Park. Many thanks to all those who took part singing or collecting, and thanks to the great many people who opened their doors to us and gave us a donation - Hopefully not just to go away!!!
We raised a fabulous £125, twice the amount raised last year....Thanks to all of you. We will split it equally between the Church Roof Restoration project and our long term sponsored charity MIND.
Afterwards we all retired to the Village Hall for warm drinks and food put on by the Village Hall Management Committee, organised by Philip and Joan, Pete and Lorna. And a Big Big thankyou for donating the takings of the evening to the carol singing pot.
The Cottage Christmas Show.....Fantastic!!!
Those of you who made it to the village hall last night were entertained to a fantastic trip through the musicals, from the Wizard of Oz, Oklahoma, Grease, Chicago and much, much more. There was a really good audience turnout and the majority of the staff took part. Its great to see people are still able to laugh at themselves. Life doesn't have to be too serious all the time.
Well done to all of you, let's have some more next year please.
The Wizard of Oz
Poor David !!!!!!!
Saturday, 18 December 2010
The Bishop of Lincoln - The Rt. Rev. Dr John Saxbee Christmas Message.
Christmas: Hoping against Hype

It surprises me that TV Soaps have to invent a Christmas story-line to bolster their ratings year by year. After all, the Christmas story itself has all the ingredients they need. An unexpected pregnancy with paternity issues at stake. The birth of a baby in less than ideal circumstances with visitors bearing exotic gifts from near and far. The friendly pub landlord is not backed up by community leaders who would rather see this dysfunctional family off their manor as soon as possible. Enough there to keep a Soap in story-lines without needing to invent new hyped-up versions.
Indeed, in many ways, Christmas spells hype in our current culture. But, of course, Christmas actually spells Hope. Hope can be in short supply when jobs are threatened, homes are at risk of re-possession and some of the poorest people in our society become ever poorer.
Yet the birth of Jesus counters a culture of hopelessness. It is about a new life being born into the world and that is itself a sign of hope. But when that new life is nothing less than the very life of God born anew in the world, then that changes everything into positive possibility - nothing can be quite the same again. Living takes on a new meaning as we seek to live in accordance with our Lord's example, whilst in the light of His death and resurrection, death can never again have the last word.
In life and in death there is renewed hope because of the birth of that babe in Bethlehem. No need for new story-lines when Christmas already tells the greatest story ever told.
This comes with my warmest good wishes to you all, and prayers for God's Blessing as you prepare to celebrate this great festival of hope and light and joy.
Water flowing at church in Southern Graveyard
A number of people have reported water flowing from a pipe on the southern side of the church over the last few days. Thanks for being observant and please continue to let us have any unusual observations you come across. However, the water flow is due to an automatic level controlled pump we have in our sub surface boiler room. After heavy rain or snow melt we get severe ground water ingress for many days after the cause has stopped. The pump switches on to keep the room from flooding.
Once again thanks for the info though and please keep it coming.
Once again thanks for the info though and please keep it coming.
The Cottage Christmas Show .......TONIGHT!!!!!
The annual 'Cottage Residential Home Christmas Spectacular' is being staged at Nocton Village Hall tonight Sat Dec 18th from 7.30pm. The staff are providing the entertainment and a buffet is included. Tickets are £5 on the door.
Christmas Tree Festival Last Day Tomorrow ...Sun 19th Dec
Please come along and support us.
The Dunston Silver Sounds Brass Band are again playing from 1.30 - 3.30pm
Open 11 - 3.30pm remember Santa is at the Social Club from 4-5pm
Thanks to Jill Shepherd our organist for playing fabulously and continuously from 12 till 2 today.
and the Bellringing band who rang a quarter peal between 2 and 3pm.
The Dunston Silver Sounds Brass Band are again playing from 1.30 - 3.30pm
Open 11 - 3.30pm remember Santa is at the Social Club from 4-5pm
Thanks to Jill Shepherd our organist for playing fabulously and continuously from 12 till 2 today.
and the Bellringing band who rang a quarter peal between 2 and 3pm.
Thursday, 16 December 2010
Village Carol Singing and Drinks .....Sun 19th Dec 5.30pm
We are Carol Singing again this year around the village - hopefully not in the blizzard conditions we had last year. Meet at the Village Hall Sunday 19th Dec at 5.30 sing till 6.30 then back to the Village Hall for Coffee, Tea, Hot Toddies, Mince pies and Sausage Rolls. The Village Hall is for everyone not just the singers, if you're unlucky we might even sing you a carol or two!!!
Ticket refunds for Choral Society Concert.
If you bought tickets for the cancelled concert please drop me a line as I am not sure who bought them and we will refund ASAP.
Christmas Tree Festival and.......Santa!!
Dont forget that the church Christmas Tree festival is on again this weekend.
Saturday 18th 11 - 3.30pm
With our organist Jill playing from 12 -2pm
and possibly our ringers will be ringing a centenary bell peel.
Sunday 19th 11 - 3.30pm
Dunston Silver Sounds Brass Band 1.30 - 3.00pm
Come along and sing a few carols.
...and if you've got the children or grandchildren with you,
Santa will be at the Nocton Social Club from 4 -5pm on Sunday afternoon
Saturday 18th 11 - 3.30pm
With our organist Jill playing from 12 -2pm
and possibly our ringers will be ringing a centenary bell peel.
Sunday 19th 11 - 3.30pm
Dunston Silver Sounds Brass Band 1.30 - 3.00pm
Come along and sing a few carols.
...and if you've got the children or grandchildren with you,
Santa will be at the Nocton Social Club from 4 -5pm on Sunday afternoon
Monday, 13 December 2010
Choral Society Concert 18th Dec.... CANCELLED.
Owing to current weather conditions, thick compacted ice on the church path and the prediction of more cold weather on the way, we have decided for safety reasons to cancel the Lincoln Choral Society concert planned for the evening of Sat 18th Dec. We apologise for any inconvienience and will refund all tickets purchased.
The Christmas Tree Festival during the days of the 18th and 19th Dec will carry on as planned.
The Christmas Tree Festival during the days of the 18th and 19th Dec will carry on as planned.
Nocton School Christmas Plays now at the School
The Christmas plays by the school scheduled for 1.30 and 6pm on Tuesday 14th Dec, have now been moved from the church to the school . This is due to the theft of our heating oil and the severe compacted ice on the approach to the church.
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Oil Theft........Christmas spirit??
Just to warn people the church had its oil stolen last night......they are at it again around here so please keep a look out and watch your own tanks !!!
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Christmas Tree Festival Opened Today
The Church looks fantastic, the Dunston band were superb and the aroma of warm mulled wined filled the air. A number of brave souls came along even though the icy roads are really treacherous. Lets hope it melts away allowing the church to be more accessible over the next few days.
Please come and see what we have to offer and have a look at the great effort put in by the organisations who have taken part.
Sunday 12th Dec, 11-3.30pm
"Decorate a Tree Day"
Bring your children along to make some decorations and decorate our 'Lonely little Christmas Tree' somebody must love him!!
Please come and see what we have to offer and have a look at the great effort put in by the organisations who have taken part.
Nocton Cricket Clubs Tree
"Decorate a Tree Day"
Bring your children along to make some decorations and decorate our 'Lonely little Christmas Tree' somebody must love him!!
Friday, 10 December 2010
Beware the Thaw !!!!
After the very cold conditions we are in a slight thaw period. just waiting for those frozen pipes to burst as myself and some other local residents have already experienced.
Make sure you know where your stop cock is and check it will turn and is not jammed open.
Make sure you know where your stop cock is and check it will turn and is not jammed open.
Chritmas Tree Festival ....2 Days to go.
Its been all hands to the pump as trees have been put up and volunteer organisations have been decorating them. Even though its not finished yet the church looks superb. We start at 11 am on Saturday 11th and the Dunston Silver Sounds Brass band will be performing from 1.30pm. Come along and enjoy the spirit of Christmas.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Parish Council Meeting Tonight.
The December meeting of the Parish Council is tonight (Tuesday 7th) at 7pm in the Village Hall starting with public questions.
Friday, 3 December 2010
Never to big to meet Santa.
I was shopping yesterday with my daughter Georgie as Branston Community Academy and Bishop Grosseteste College were both closed, hence we were both free. There was Santa in Debenhams with not a soul to talk to so we decided to chat with him. Even at 18 and 47 Santa still has a strong pull. I asked him how long he had been doing the job.........Millennia he replied. Didn't I feel stupid, I knew that already!!!
No more snow for a while, but its going to get very cold !!!
Thursday, 2 December 2010
From the Newsletter - Profile of a Nocton Resident: Scott Studd
Scott is a young man who has lived in the village of Nocton for the last 8 years with his family, dad Glen, mum Dawn & older sister Tanya. He is 18 years old and has a moderate learning difficulty/autism. Scott has attended Queens Park School since the age of 4.
Over the last few years Scott, along with 6 of his classmates, has been working towards his Duke of Edinburgh awards. These awards fall into 3 categories, Bronze, Silver & Gold. Having successfully completed his Bronze & Silver Awards Scott was keen to participate in the Gold Award, a considerable challenge to anyone that attempts it.
As part of his Gold Award Scott had to volunteer to help in the community. To achieve this he spent several hours each week at Hartsholme Park with the park keepers clearing the woodland areas and helping to keep the public areas safe and tidy. Scott doesn’t enjoy working out of doors, hating the rain! but he persevered and had excellent reports from his co-workers.
Scott was also required to complete a physical challenge; this has to be planned and trained for by the team. Scott and his team, along with their leaders, climbed Scafell Pike. En route the team carry out navigation exercises and safety procedures. This was a long, arduous climb taking in total 9 and ½ hours. It is to the credit of all the participants that no-one turned back. Fortunately for Scott it was dry that day!
For the Gold Award a residential section also needs to be completed. This is carried out with students from other schools and colleges who are generally not known to each other. The students spend 5 days and 4 nights away from home taking part in activities which are team building, increasing confidence and self esteem. Scott thought it was fun and a real chance to do something different!
Not without a sigh of relief, Scott finished all the required components of his Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award earlier this year. On Nov 2nd 2010, Scott and his mum, dressed in their finery, attended St James Palace in London where he met and talked to Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, founder of the programme. The surroundings and atmosphere were quite overwhelming but Scott took them, and the presentation, firmly in his stride. It was a wonderful, if tiring, day and an experience that Scott can justly be proud of.
Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award is a challenge for anyone, but as Scott has special needs it was inevitable that the challenge would increase. Scott deserves credit for his achievements, (Mum’s very proud!!) and his willingness to help those of his team that were less able than himself. Well done Scottie!
Scott with his Gold Certificate
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