Please click here for Lorna's Christmas Day homily.
All Saints Church is OPEN for public worship on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 9.30 am and on the 1st Sunday of the month at 6pm. Please see our "Who's Who" page for contact details of keyholders. Rector: Lorna Brabin-Smith 01522 794868
Sunday 27 December 2020
Wednesday 23 December 2020
Christmas services online
Our YouTube carol service is now available on our YouTube channel to be followed tomorrow by a Christmas Day Service of the Word. Here is the service booklet, which you can use on its own or with our YouTube service for Christmas Day.
Monday 21 December 2020
Sermon at Branston 20 December 2020
Please click here for Nigel's sermon at Branston on 20 December 2020.
Sunday 20 December 2020
Sunday 20 December
Please click here for the service booklet and sermon from this morning's service.
Thursday 17 December 2020
Monday 14 December 2020
Sunday 13 December 2020
Update on Christmas services
An update on our Christmas services at All Saints. The times have had to be adjusted so the Carol Service on Sunday 20 December will be at 6pm (not 4pm) and the Midnight service on Christmas Eve will be at 11.30pm (not 11.45pm). We are asking people to book a place as we would hate to turn people away at the door. If you would like to attend one or both services, please contact our Rector, Lorna, on 01522 794868 or at (Lorna's contact details are already public, in case you were concerned about me posting them here).
Saturday 12 December 2020
Tuesday 8 December 2020
Sermons for Sunday 6 December
Please click on the links for the sermons at Potterhanworth and Branston on 6 December.
Thursday 3 December 2020
Christmas services
We are pleased to announce our services
for December! Please note that we expect the service on 20 December to
be oversubscribed and we will need to have a booking system. Further
details will posted as soon as they are available.
Saturday 28 November 2020
Advent Sunday
Sunday 22 November 2020
Saturday 21 November 2020
Link to our service tomorrow
Here's the link to the service and to the service booklet. We hope you can join us.
Monday 16 November 2020
Nocton Church Cleaners Needed!
Normally our church is used regularly for our services, by the school
& for a whole range of events from book fairs to concerts &
Christmas tree festivals to name but a few. Many of our church cleaners
occasionally attend church or maybe not at all but the unanimous
response is always how much they value & appreciate the peace &
serenity of being in church quietly at that time. The church does rely
on this support as many church members come into the vulnerable category
and are unable to volunteer for this.
We run a rota system whereby two people are responsible for one month in the year.
It is not a big commitment & generally only takes a few hours in the
month. It is always possible to arrange swops if something crops up for
you or you change your plans.
So whether you have never stepped foot in church or have attended a few
events, please would you consider offering your help for this.
If you feel you could help out please email & I will be pleased to give you more detail as to what is involved.
Saturday 14 November 2020
Link to tomorrow's service
Here's the link to the YouTube service for our benefice.
It is scheduled to go live at 12.15am on Sunday 15th November.Friday 13 November 2020
Sunday 15 November
We have finally managed to get ahead of ourselves and post the homily and service booklet for this coming Sunday, 15 November. The service will be available on YouTube and the link will be posted as soon as it's available.
Monday 9 November 2020
Homily & sermon
Sunday 8 November 2020
Remembrance Sunday
Due to the coronavirus All Saints Church is currently closed. However, as a Benefice, we are still marking Remembrance Sunday. Please watch our pre-recorded service here, you may wish to watch today or on Armistice Day on Wednesday - or at any other time convenient to you.
Friday 23 October 2020
Thursday 22 October 2020
Sermon at Branston on Sunday 18 October
Please click here for Nigel Dickin's sermon given at Branston on Sunday 18 October.
Tuesday 20 October 2020
Service booklets and sermon from 18 October - St Luke
Please click on the links for the sermon and the service booklets for Morning Prayer and Holy Communion on 18 October.
Friday 16 October 2020
Sermon for Sunday 11 October
Please click here for Rev'd Rachel's thought-provoking sermon from Sunday 11 October.
Tuesday 6 October 2020
Service booklets and sermon for Sunday 4 October
Please click on the links for the sermon and service booklet from Branston's Harvest Festival, and the sermon and service booklet from Potterhanworth's Eucharist - all from Sunday 4 October.
Sunday 4 October 2020
Harvest Festival talk given at Nocton
Please click here for the excellent talk given by Linda Carpenter-Coxon about Tambana School in the Gambia, which she has been supporting for many years. The PCC sponsors a child at the school.
Friday 2 October 2020
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
The meeting to elect churchwardens and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (delayed from earlier in the year due to the coronavirus pandemic) will be held via Zoom on Tuesday 27 October. Details of how to join in are on the notices.
Thursday 1 October 2020
Monday 28 September 2020
Service booklet and sermon Sunday 27 Sept
Please click on the links for the service booklet and sermon for Sunday 27 September.
Wednesday 16 September 2020
Harvest Festival
Please be aware that due to social distancing requirements only 25 people can be accommodated in the congregation. Would everyone who is not medically exempt, please wear a face covering. We are required to note the name and address of everyone attending. In spite of all this we intend to have a great service!
Tuesday 15 September 2020
Service booklets and sermon Sunday 13 September
Please click the links for the Service of the Word booklet, the Holy Communion service booklet and the sermon for Sunday 13 September.
Tuesday 8 September 2020
Service booklet and sermon Sunday 6 Sept
Please click on the links to access the service booklet and the sermon from 6 September.
Thursday 3 September 2020
Monday 31 August 2020
Service booklet and sermon Sunday 30 August
Please click on the links to access the service booklet and the sermon from the United Benefice Service on 30 August.
Monday 24 August 2020
Service booklet and sermon Sunday 23 August
Here are the links to Rev'd Rachel's sermons from Sunday 16 August and Sunday 23 August, and the service booklet for Sunday 23 August.
Sunday 16 August 2020
Wednesday 12 August 2020
Service booklet and sermon Sunday 9 August
Please click on the links to access the service booklet and sermon from last Sunday, 9 August.
Friday 10 July 2020
Update on services
Friday 3 July 2020
We're back! - church is reopening!
After many weeks of being closed, All Saints Church will be reopening for public worship on Sunday 5 July. A lot of hard work has gone on behind the scenes to ensure that the building is "Covid secure" and that everyone will be safe.
There will be a short, simple and quiet service at 9.30 am. We are not yet able (allowed!) to sing and there will be no Communion and no refreshments. This service will be a trial run and there may need to be adaptations for future services.
COVID 19 precautions - please wash your hands with soap and water before you leave home and sanitise your hands as you come into church. Please keep a social distance of at least 2 metres from others. We are not specifically asking people to wear face coverings, but please feel free to do so if you wish.
If you'd like to bring a contribution for the collection, please bring it in an envelope - there'll be a basket at the back of church. If you're a tax payer and would like to gift aid your contribution, please write the following on the envelope:
- All Saints Nocton
- your full name and address, including your post code
- "Gift Aid Declaration: I would like to enhance my donation through Gift Aid. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations, it is my responsibility to pay any difference."
Your signature and the date.
We are so looking forward to being able to worship together again.
Tuesday 23 June 2020
Friday 5 June 2020
Message from NHS Test and Trace to avoid scams
If NHS Test and Trace calls you by phone, the service will be using a single phone number 0300 0135 000. The only website the service will ask you to visit is https://contact-tracing.phe.
Contact tracers will never:
• Ask you to dial a premium rate number to speak to us (for example, those starting 09 or 087)
• Ask you to make any form of payment
• Ask for any details about your bank account
• Ask for your social media identities or login details, or those of your contacts
• Ask you for any passwords or PINs, or ask you to set up any passwords or PINs over the phone
• Ask you to purchase a product
• Ask you to download any software to your device or ask you to hand over control of your PC, smartphone or tablet
• Ask you to access any website that does not belong to the Government or NHS
Friday 15 May 2020
Sunday 10 May 2020
Saturday 9 May 2020
Keep yourselves safe
Please be advised that we have recently seen an increase in reports of doorstep traders across the county. People have reported being visited by doorstep callers offering to complete garden work, or home maintenance tasks such as repairs to roofs.
In the current climate you should not be receiving visitors to your home.
Any suspicious callers / traders should be reported to Lincolnshire Police on 101.
Gillian Fleet (Police, Preventing Financial Fraud Officer, Lincolnshire)
Sunday 12 April 2020
Happy Easter!
Saturday 28 March 2020
Our curate is leaving
Tuesday 24 March 2020
Church closed
- Our church buildings are closed for public worship and for private prayer.
- Emergency baptisms can take place in hospital or at home, though subject to strict hygienic precautions and physical distancing as far as possible.
- There can be no weddings in church buildings until further notice.
- Funerals can only happen at the Crematorium or at the graveside. Only immediate family members can attend (if the crematorium allows) – that is, spouse or partner, parents and children, keeping their distance in the prescribed way.
- regularly wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water and dry them thoroughly
- if you can’t wash your hands, use a sanitizing hand-gel (at least 60% alcohol)
- avoid touching your face – do not touch your mouth, eyes or nose
- cough or sneeze into a tissue or into the crook of your arm, not into your hands
- keep your distance from other people – at least 2 metres or 7 feet
- keep up with the usual hygiene routines at home
- All Saints Branston will be open every day of the week from 2.00 to 4.00pm
- All Saints Nocton will be open every Saturday from 2.00 to 4.00pm
- St Andrew’s Potterhanworth is open every day anyway.
- if you order your groceries on-line, you could offer to get groceries for your neighbours. Even if you don’t have a slot for a couple of weeks that would help them get in some of the basics and help give them peace of mind.
- if you are confined to home you could still be part of a ‘keeping in touch’ network, arranging to phone one or two people on a regular basis (Please let Sue Spencer know if you’d like to do this: or phone 823-947.)
- if you’re not confined to home you could do a bit of spring-cleaning in church or a little tidying up of the churchyard – you don’t need to get close to anyone else if you’re working on your own. We’ll produce a list of jobs so you know what to do. (Please let me know if you’d like to do this: or 794-868.)
- and if you’re not confined to home you could help with the delivery of these bulletins each week (Please let me know if you’d like to do that: or 794-868). You won’t have to have contact with anyone if you’d prefer not to – just post through their letter-box.
- visiting people at home
- doing shopping or collecting prescriptions for people confined to home
- delivering ready-cooked meals, for example, provided by one of the local pubs
- volunteering through the local community group
- ‘church sitting’ – unlocking/locking up and being around while our churches are open (at Branston and Nocton) – you could combine this with doing some spring-cleaning, reading a book or some other work. You wouldn’t have to have close contact with any visitors. We’re working on rotas for this – Nocton is already sorted for the next few months, please let Barbara know if you could help at Branston.
Wednesday 18 March 2020
Church spring clean and open church
While public worship is suspended, the church will still be open 2-4pm every Saturday from now (brought forward from the usual start date of Easter) until the end of September. There is a list of keyholders on the Who's Who page and on the church notice board, if anyone would like access at any other time.