Thursday 22 December 2022

Food bank availability for the Christmas period

The foodbank at Branston church will be open to receive donations on:
Friday 23 December 10.00am to 11.00am
CLOSED for donations between Christmas and New Year
Open as usual from Tuesday 3 January (Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays 10.00am to 11.00am)
Donations may be left in the back porch of Nocton church at any time and will be collected periodically, although it might be better if you could refrain from leaving donations while the foodbank is not able to receive them.
If you require a food box or other assistance, the helpline (07395 906220) will be open on:
Friday 23 December 9.00am to 3.00pm;
Wednesday 28 to Friday 30 December 9.00am to 3.00pm;
Open as usual from Tuesday 3 January
Thanks as always for your continuing support.

Monday 19 December 2022

Carol singing collection

Message from our church treasurer:

Just to let you know we collected a fabulous amount of £220.58 for the Nomad charity in Lincoln.

Thank you so much to all who donated! We hope you enjoyed the singing!


This week's food bank update

No specific item requests from the food bank this week as they are currently well stocked due to everyone's generosity. However they do say this (below). Bags may also be left at Nocton church in the back porch from where they will be collected and taken to the food bank.

Request for ‘Bags for Life’
To assist the Food Bank volunteers in the distribution of food and provisions, I’d like to put a shout out for ‘Bags for Life’. If you have any of these reusable robust bags that are serviceable and clean that you no longer use, they would be greatly appreciated. They can be dropped off at the Food Bank in the All Saints Church Vestry, accessed via Church Lane on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 1000-1100hrs. Thank you

Monday 12 December 2022

Food bank latest

Update just received from Branston Food Bank:
35 + hampers along with warm bags containing blankets, gloves, hats and hot water bottles were delivered, but it isn’t going to end there. Packing and delivering will continue until all the gratefully donated food and associated items are distributed to those who need it.
Thanks to all who continue to support those less fortunate. There are no specific requests from the food bank this week, but toiletries are always welcome!

Saturday 10 December 2022

Carol service

 A reminder about our lovely carol service tomorrow.  Mulled wine and mince pies afterwards!

Monday 5 December 2022

Christmas at All Saints

Christmas at All Saints Church looks like this:

Sunday 11 December 4pm Carol service (mulled wine and mince pies!)
Wednesday 14 December 6pm Carol singing round the village, starting at the Cottage Care Home and ending at Nocton Hub (we will be singing in the Wellhead Lane area this year)
Saturday 24 December 4pm Crib service
Saturday 24 December 7.30pm "Midnight Mass"
Sunday 25 December 10am Family Communion for Christmas Day (at St Andrew's Potterhanworth)


This week at the food bank

There are no specific requests from the food bank this week, but please be aware that donations for Christmas Hampers need to be with the food bank tomorrow (Tuesday). If you plan to leave a donation at Nocton Church, please do so before 10am tomorrow. Thank you for your ongoing support.