Sunday, 9 February 2025

Food bank requests

This week's food bank requests. Thank you to all who donate - it really does make a difference.

The ‘Most Wanted’ List for this week looks like this:
Long life UHT semi-skimmed milk
Pasta sauces
Rice pudding
Tinned fruit
Tinned potatoes
Tinned spaghetti
Tinned steak & chicken
Baby wipes
Washing up liquid
Anti-bacterial spray
Shower gel
Childrens snacks
Crisps / Snacks
Dog food

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Book sale thank you!

Thanks to all who supported the book sale at All Saints Church last weekend, by donating books or jigsaws, making cakes, putting all the books out, serving drinks - or just coming and buying the books! We raised a splendid £1669.60 for church funds.

Concert - save the date!


Sunday, 2 February 2025

Food bank latest

Thank you to all who are able to support the food bank. If anyone is in need of support, please contact 07395 906220.

The ‘Most Wanted’ List for this week looks like this:
Long life semi-skimmed milk
Pasta sauces
Rice pudding
Tinned fruit
Tinned potatoes
Baby wipes
Washing up liquid
Anti-bacterial spray
Shower gel
Toddler snacks
Crisps / snacks

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Book sale reminder

Only another week to go! It's next weekend!

Food bank this week

The latest requests from the foodbank. All donations gratefully received.
The ‘Most Wanted’ List for this week looks like this:
Long life semi-skimmed milk
Dog food
Toddler snacks
Crisps / snacks

Monday, 20 January 2025

This week's food bank requests

Good morning! This weeks' requests from the food bank. Thank you as always.

The ‘Most Wanted’ List for this week looks like this:

Long life semi-skimmed milk
Tea bags
Beef paste
Dog food
Toddler snacks
Washing tablets

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Food bank

The success and effectiveness of the All Saints Food Bank, apart from our great volunteers, is totally dependent upon the kindness and generosity of local residents and businesses who make essential donations. To make ensure that ‘No one needs to go without’ (our Food Bank motto), we couldn’t operate as effectively as we do and provide a great service without you - Thank you very much 🙏🏻❤️ To assist us in maintaining stock, if you can help with any of the following listed items, we would be very grateful:
The ‘Most Wanted’ List:
Long life milk
Tea bags
Toddler snacks
Washing tablets

Sunday, 5 January 2025

The return of the food bank most wanted list

The return of the food bank most wanted list... Thank you as always. Donations can be left in the rear porch of Nocton church at any time.

The Most Wanted List:
Long life milk
Tomato sauce
Salad cream
Tinned meats including:
Hot dogs
Minced beef and onion
Chicken in white sauce
Squash - all flavours

Monday, 16 December 2024

Latest from the food bank

Thanks as always to those who support the food bank. Over 70 hampers have gone out as part of Operation Christmas Hamper.

This weeks “Most Wanted List” looks like this:
Tinned tomatoes
Toilet rolls
Long life milk
Small jars of coffee

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Food bank this week

Thank you so much for all the donations recently, especially for Operation Christmas Hamper. The hampers have been put together and are starting to be delivered tomorrow (Monday). This will make such a difference to someone's Christmas.

This weeks “Most Wanted List” looks like this (only two items posted!)
Tinned tomatoes
Washing tablets

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Return of the book sale!


No DVDs please

Carols at the Care Home

The 7 Best Places to Buy a Christmas Tree in 2021The 7 Best Places to Buy a Christmas Tree in 2021
Please join us at 6pm for half an hour or so on Monday 16 December to sing Christmas carols with the care home residents.

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Food bank - last week for Operation Christmas Hamper

Please note that Tuesday 3 December is the last day for donations to Operation Christmas Hamper (see below). As usual, donations may be left in the back porch at All Saints' Church Nocton. If you would like to leave a donation for Operation Christmas Hamper, please do so by 9am on Tuesday.

This weeks “Most Wanted List”:
Coffee and tea
Microwaveable rice
Soups: vegetable, chicken, tomato
Toilet rolls
Toddler snacks
Tinned meats (steak, chicken and minced beef)
Tinned vegetables: sweetcorn, peas, carrots
Tinned fruit


Following the successful preparation and execution of four previous operations, the details of Operation CHRISTMAS HAMPER 2024 are as follows:

Donations with a Christmas flavour/theme will be very welcomed and greatly appreciated at the All Saints Foodbank between Tuesday 12 November 24 - Tuesday 3 December 24, It is planned that deliveries will take place on Monday 9 December 24. If you require your donation to be collected, please contact the Helpline one 07395 906220.

The Foodbank is located in the Branston All Saints Vestry and is open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 1000-1100hrs.

There is still time to donate. Every donation will be gratefully appreciated. Thank you.