Saturday 29 December 2012

Carol singing

A small but determined group set out from the Village Hall on 23 December to inflict, er, entertain the residents of Nocton with carols, ably accompanied by David Glew on his guitar.  The atmosphere was enhanced by having two traditional lanterns on poles and those involved thoroughly enjoyed themselves, although whether the same can be said for our audience is another matter... 

We are most grateful to those who came to their doors to listen to us (especially Fiona and Steve Dickinson who provided hot sausage rolls and mulled wine), and to the Village Hall Management Committee for providing mince pies and (more!) mulled wine when we returned.  Most of all we thank those who donated so generously - we raised the magnificent sum of £120.49, which will be divided between All Saints and the BeAttitude project at St Mary-le-Wigford, which works with homeless and other vulnerable people.

We'll be back next year...!

Latest Nocton Doodle

Here it is!

Saturday 22 December 2012

Carol Singing Sunday 23 December

We will be singing carols around the village on 23 December.  All are welcome to join in – the more the merrier!  Please meet at 5 pm outside the village hall.  A torch might come in handy, and please wrap up warmly as 'in the bleak midwinter' doesn't just apply to Bethlehem!  There will be mulled wine and mince pies afterwards in the village hall.

150th anniversary celebration

What a wonderful occasion it was last Sunday, when around 60 people, led by Bishop Christopher, gathered in All Saints to give thanks to God for 150 years of Christian service since the church was dedicated on 16 December 1862.  Bishop Christopher was assisted by his Chaplain, Sal MacDougall, Les Whitfield and Tim Thompson.  Jill Whitfield played the organ.  Ann Kennedy acted as verger, Elsie Horton and Gill Stokes read the Lessons, Liz Murray served, and Nicholas Bennett sang beautifully during Communion.  The atmosphere was full of joy and the morning was crowned by a splendid lunch in the Village Hall - many thanks to Sue, Carol, Ann, Doreen, Ruth, Elsie and everyone else who played such an important part in preparing this!  Bishop Christopher and Mrs Lowson were able to join us for the lunch and it was good to meet them in a more relaxed setting.

It was fantastic to welcome our friends and supporters including Miles Hobart-Hampden, the 10th Earl of Buckinghamshire, whose family has so many connections with Nocton.  He and Chris Howard are distantly related, both being descended from the 3rd Earl, although as Chris explained, his descent was apparently via a chambermaid rather than the 3rd Earl's wife.  Miles has been researching the family's history and shared some of his findings.

(L to R) Bishop Christopher, Marianne Overton, Chris Howard, Miles Hobart-Hampden

Marianne Overton, our County Councillor, made a presentation to All Saints on behalf of Lincolnshire County Council, offering the Council's congratulations on our 150th anniversary.

We look forward to the 200th anniversary!

Sunday 25 November 2012

150th anniversary celebration – 16 December

Plans are well advanced for a very special service at All Saints, when Bishop Christopher will be leading our worship.  The focus will be thanksgiving to God for 150 years of our church building, for the recent roof renovation and for those who through the ages have been associated with and served the church, and re-dedication to His service of the building with its new roof and of those who serve the church today.  The service will be later than usual at 11 am and will be followed by a lunch in the village hall.  Tickets for the lunch are £10 but are strictly limited in number – please book your place early to avoid disappointment.  Contact Ann (322739) or Doreen (322323).  Tickets are also available from the Post Office.

WI Carol Service

All Saints will welcome the members of the Women's Institute for their carol service at 2.30 pm on 9 December.

Latest Doodle

"Hi All

Here is the November Issue which includes all the details for events over Christmas in Nocton.

Sorry its a little late, the last few weeks have been a little hectic.

Kindest regards


Saints and Heroes Evening

What a wonderful evening we enjoyed together on October 31st.  It was very well supported by over 25 Nocton and Branston children who all came in a variety of fancy dress.  A range of activities, focusing on the qualities of the saints, were ongoing - hunting for saints around the church, apples on a string, creating a mobile and making a candle holder and hot-seating activities.  We closed with a very special act of worship and a treat!

Sunday 7 October 2012

150th anniversary of All Saints – 16 December

All Saints celebrates the 150th anniversary of its consecration on 16 December.  The Bishop of Lincoln has graciously agreed to to lead the celebration service, which is at 11 am (not the usual 9.30).  This will be followed by a celebration lunch in the Village Hall.  Further details to follow but please mark the date in your diary now.

Celebrate Saints and Heroes!

Harvest Thanksgiving and supper

Around 45 people attended the Harvest Thanksgiving service on Sunday 30 September to give thanks to God for all His gifts.  The church looked lovely and a selection of produce was on display.  This was later auctioned at the Harvest Supper, Nicholas Bennett acting as auctioneer.  Another career beckons, Nicholas!  The supper was also well attended and featured local delicacies such as Lincolnshire chine, followed by the usual delicious crumbles and pies, and, of course, Lincolnshire plum bread with cheese.  Almost £400 was raised for the church restoration fund.  Thanks to all who donated produce or dishes for the supper, decorated the church, did the washing up or helped in any other way!

Sunday 30 September 2012

Heritage Open Weekend 8 – 9 September

All Saints church saw a steady stream of visitors for the Lincolnshire Heritage Open weekend, an annual event with special openings and events across Lincolnshire. This year's theme was Trade and Travel. Guided tours of the church were conducted by Carol Bennett, who talked herself hoarse explaining the church's history and many points of interest to the visitors. Light lunches were served and featured home-made sandwiches and cakes as well as cups of tea. Some visitors had made a special trip to visit All Saints, others called in when they saw the 'open' signs. All were welcome and expressed amazement at the quality of the interior.

The Saturday coincided with the annual Ride and Stride so we were also visited by a number of intrepid cyclists, including Gill Stokes and Ruth and Jim Eagle, who cycled a magnificent 43 miles. All funds raised by the ride are shared between the Lincolnshire Churches Trust and a church of the cyclist's choice.

Latest Nocton Doodle

Click here for the latest edition!

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Events coming up in September

Sat 8 Sept - ‘Ride & Stride’

Sponsored bike ride around Lincolnshire's churches.  Sponsor Ruth and Jim Eagle, or have a go yourself.  Contact Ruth and Jim on 322285 if you would like to sponsor them or Liz Murray on 323357 if you would like to take part yourself.  Half the money raised goes to a church of your choice (it doesn't have to be All Saints Nocton, but we'd like it to be!) and the other half to the Lincolnshire Churches Trust.

Sat 8/Sun 9 Sept - ‘Village Heritage Weekend’

Nocton Church will be open for Heritage Open Days from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday 8th September, and from 12 noon to 4 p.m. on Sunday 9th September.  Light lunches and refreshments will be on sale for the church repair fund.

Sun 30 Sept - ‘Harvest Thanksgiving and Supper’

Service in Church at 4pm followed by the Harvest Supper at the village Hall.  Tickets £10 for adults, £5 for under 12s.  A delicious supper and a glass of wine / fruit juice.  For tickets please contact Ann 322739, Doreen 322323 or Carol 322930.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Flower Festival reflections from Carol Bennett

(In case you wondered why there was no 'live' coverage, I've been away)

The best thing about the All Saints Church Flower Festival was that so many people in Nocton and Potterhanworth got involved.  Whether it was growing plants and selling them, arranging flowers, doing the Preview catering, baking cakes and refreshments and serving them, stewarding, making a donation towards the flowers or the wine, doing a reading at the Songs of Praise – the age range was from 4 and upwards.  The second best thing was that the week-end of 29 June to 1 July was fairly sunny with just a few showers.  The worst thing was that while the flowers were being arranged, the heavens opened up, and the south aisle roofs leaked like sieves.  Out came the buckets and mops – reminders that although the main roofs have been renewed, the south aisle, vestry and memorial chapel roofs all still leak very badly.  As Sheila Redshaw, one of the organisers of the plant stall said, you can keep patching up, but eventually, after 150 years, you just have to do things properly.  The south roofs are for a later stage of repairs, but the week-end raised an impressive amount towards the target of £40,000 needed to pay for just the current repairs.  Work has stopped on the chancel wall paintings, as they will cost over £20,000 to put right.  Our beautiful church is high maintenance!
The theme of ‘our village in 1862’ was just right to celebrate the church’s 150th anniversary.  The flower arrangers had learned that there were no pedestal arrangements at the time of the church’s consecration, so other equipment came into use as flower stands: a milk churn for the farmers; a cradle for the children baptised at the font; logs for the game keeper’s window; Victorian plant stands to represent the cottage gardeners; and tiered stands, using cake stands one on top of the other, on the high altar and in the housewives’ display in the vestry.  The miller, wheelwright, village shop, hall gardeners, the Vicar, stonemason and the Royal Ripon Lodge were all represented by the imaginative use of flowers and period objects.

Nocton School did a lovely display on the theme of the Victorian school room.  As well as their garden flower arrangements, the children’s own embroidery contrasted with the Victorian sampler made by a village child that hangs on the walls of Nocton School.  Like the church, the school was the gift of just one family – the Earl and Countess of Ripon and their son, the Marquis of Ripon.  We felt privileged to have with us during the week-end the Earl of Buckinghamshire.  He represented the Countess’s family, the Hobarts, whose estate of Nocton and Dunston the Countess of Ripon inherited.  Hermione, Aaron and Holly read an extract from Lark Rise to Candleford in the Songs of Praise on Sunday evening, which like the Flower Festival had the theme of our village in Victorian times.  Afterwards, Hermione asked the Earl of Buckinghamshire for his autograph!

The Lincoln Minster School Chamber Choir gave a concert on the Saturday evening in which the singing was quite amazing by any standard, especially considering that the performers were mostly aged 16 and under.  The whole week-end was a rich mix of history, artistry, music and entertainment.  It helped to put Nocton on the map with visitors from near and far.   Our thanks go to all who helped to make this such a successful and enjoyable event.

[Photos below are by Richard Free.]

Latest Doodle link

Here it is!

Click here for the Doodle July/August edition.

Monday 25 June 2012

Latest Doodle link

Link to the June 2012 Nocton Doodle here !

It's nearly here...

The Flower Festival is almost upon us!  Just a reminder of the highlights:

Friday 29 June Preview Evening (ticket only)

Saturday 30 June church open 10 - 5, concert 7.30 pm

Sunday 1 July church open 10 - 5, Songs of Praise 6 pm

See you there!

Tickets from Sue Morris
(01526 321455) or email: 

Sunday 17 June 2012

Flower Festival countdown

Nocton's Flower Festival starts in just 12 days!

Friday 29 June

Preview Evening starts at 7.30 pm, admission is by ticket only. Tickets include wine and canapes and cost just £5.

Saturday 30 June

Church open 10 am - 5 pm for viewing, refreshments and plant stall.

7.30 pm concert by the Lincoln Minster School Chamber Choir (Choir of the Year 2010 finalists)
Tickets £9 (Supporters of Nocton Church £8), includes glass of wine, under 16 free
Why not buy a combined preview/ concert ticket for just £12?

Sunday 1 July

Church open 10 am - 5 pm for viewing, refreshments and plant stall.

6 pm - Service of Songs of Praise

Tickets from Sue Morris
(01526 321455) or email:

Sunday 10 June 2012

Coronation coach

I thought this deserved a post of its own.  Doesn't it look splendid?


More about the Flower Festival concert!

Lincoln Minster School Chamber Choir Concert on Saturday 30 June in Nocton Church, 7.30p.m.

Six months ago this choir premiered a new work by Howard Goodall CBE, composer of the signature tunes for Blackadder, The Vicar of Dibley and Mr Bean.  They were summoned to Westminster Abbey to sing the first performance of Every Purpose Under the Heaven, with words from the King James Bible.  They will sing selections from this piece as part of a varied programme of choral music at our Flower Festival concert.  Don’t miss the chance to hear this outstanding school choir, in which many ex-Lincoln Cathedral Choir choristers sing.

Tickets are £9 (Supporters £8), and children 16 and under are free.  Why not buy a combined ticket to the Flower Festival Preview and the concert for just £12?
Our wonderful village church needs your help!
Can you please steward at the Flower Festival, serve refreshments and/or
make a cake or two?
Please contact Ann Kennedy (01526 322739)
or email Sue Morris –

Flower Festival - only 3 weeks to go!

Nocton Flower Festival Weekend

Friday 29 June to Sunday 1 July 2012

Our Village in 1862: Celebrating Nocton Church’s 150th anniversary
The finest Gothic Revival church in Lincolnshire is undergoing major repairs to preserve it for future generations.

Friday, 7.30pm - Flower Festival Preview Evening
Admission by Ticket only - £5 - Wine and canapés

Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. - church open
Refreshments & plant stall.
Concert at 7.30 p.m.
Lincoln Minster School Chamber Choir
Choir of the Year 2010 category finalists
Tickets £9, Under 16s Free, Supporters £8.
Combined ticket preview/concert - £12
Complimentary glass of wine at the interval

Sunday, 10 a.m. - church opens
Refreshments & plant stall

6.00 p.m. - A Service of Songs of Praise closes the festival

Tickets from Sue Morris
(01526 321455)

News roundup from All Saints

Volunteers needed!
English Heritage awarded us a large grant towards the restoration work, and as part of this agreement we need to have the church open for a set amount of hours each year.  We therefore would like people to offer to man the church during these compulsory open times.  No prior knowledge is needed, nor is this only open to church members, all are welcome!

Please contact Ruth Eagle Tel. 322285

Cleaning Rota
We are in the process of setting up a cleaning rota, again non church goers are very welcome.  If you have a few hours to spare please contact me.  Many hands make light work!  You don’t need to work alone in the church as we could arrange for you to work with someone else.

Please contact Ruth Eagle Tel. 322285

Verger needed
A verger is needed for occasional offices (weddings, baptisms, funerals).  This involves opening up, preparing the church and locking up again afterwards.  Sometimes it would be helpful to stay for the actual service and assist by handing out hymn books and collecting them in.  A fee is payable.  Church goers and non church goers are welcome to apply.

Please contact the Churchwardens Liz Murray Tel. 323357 or Nicholas Bennett

Jubilee Weekend
The church played an integral part in Nocton’s wonderful Royal Garden Party.  Our grateful thanks go to Jilly Burr for all the effort she put into restoring the model coronation coach which was on display in the church.  It was truly spectacular and the village is fortunate to be the guardians of such a special model.  Thank you to Carol for the cups of tea!

Ellys Manor House Spring Music Festival in Nocton Church

Three first-rate chamber music concerts were given in Nocton church over the week-end of 18 to 20 May, in the Ellys Manor House Spring Music Festival.  The organiser was Clive Taylor, who greets visitors to his home built by Anthony Ellys in the early 16th-century, the Ellys Manor House in Great Ponton.  Clive was looking for a church with a family connection, and his research led him to our village, where a kinsman of Sir Anthony, Sir Richard Ellys, lived in Nocton Hall in the 18th century. 

On the Friday evening, Bibi Heal (soprano), Hajo Weinroth (Baroque flute), Poppy Walshaw (Baroque cello), and Pawel Sjwczak (harpsichord), performed music by Bach, Handel and Couperin, with the theme of ‘Desire and Contentment.’  Handel’s ‘Soft Complaining Flute’ brought out the mellow tones of the Baroque flute, the sound of which was copied by the harpsichord.  The same musicians gave the concert entitled ‘Voices of Nature’ on Saturday evening.  Nightingales, roses and the human soul were evoked in a collection of Baroque miniatures.  Then Bibi and Pawel left, and Simon Standage arrived on Sunday afternoon for an all-Haydn programme of divertissements and trios for flute, violin and cello.  Their playing was flawless, a sheer pleasure to listen to.  The musicians praised Nocton Church’s fine acoustic, suggesting that it should be made available for recordings.  Clive’s team of caterers provided excellent canapés and wine, and although the weather was cold, the atmosphere inside the church was warm and friendly.

All Saints will benefit from providing the venue, and this is especially helpful towards paying for urgent repairs.   It would be a pleasure to welcome this concert series again, and it is hoped that other concert organisers will take note of our very beautiful church interior and great acoustic for chamber music.

Carol Bennett

Jubilee Prayer

As the celebration of the Diamond Jubilee continues, although at a lower intensity, the Church offers this prayer:

God of time and eternity,
whose Son reigns as servant, not master;
we give you thanks and praise that you have blessed this Nation, the realms and Territories
with Elizabeth
our beloved and glorious Queen.
In this year of Jubilee,
grant her your gifts of love and peace
as she continues in faithful obedience to you, her Lord and God
and in devoted service to her lands and peoples, and those of the Commonwealth,
now and all the days of her life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Thursday 10 May 2012

New Cross Finishes off Nocton Church’s Nave and Chancel Re-Roofing

New Cross Finishes off Nocton Church’s Nave and Chancel Re-Roofing

The re-roofing of Nocton Church’s nave and chancel roofs, begun last July, has been completed by the addition of a new Ancaster stone cross. The original Victorian cross at the west end of the nave fell down in a storm around eighteen years ago. Paul Mendham Stonemasons took a rubbing of the surviving cross at the east gable of the nave and later carved a copy of it for the west end. The new cross was put into place on 3 May. The dates ‘1862’ and ‘2012’ are carved on it, to mark the 150th anniversary of the finest Victorian Gothic Revival church in Lincolnshire. The cross stands about five feet high, and can be seen from a distance when approaching Nocton village.

Having received generous grants from English Heritage and the Lincolnshire Churches Trust among others, people in the village are continuing fundraising efforts to cover the costs and VAT of the roofing and the new cross, the installation of new lighting in the chancel to show off the ceiling and roof timber decoration, and the renewal of stencilling around the east window. Still to come are the restoration of the figures of two apostles in the chancel wall paintings, drainage works, and repairs to the disabled ramp and churchyard light. Donations have been coming in to help meet the target of £40,000.

Coming up soon in Nocton Church is the Ellys Manor House Chamber Music Festival. On Friday 18 May at 7 p.m., Saturday 19th May at 7.30 p.m. and Sunday 20th May at 4 p.m., Clive Taylor of Ellys Manor House is putting on a concert series of music for voice and ensemble by among others, Bach, Handel and Telemann, performed on baroque cello, harpsichord, flute and violin, by artists of international standing. For information and tickets, phone Stamford Arts Centre on 01780 763203, (

The Nocton Church Flower Festival Weekend runs from Friday 29 June to Sunday 1 July 2012, with the theme of ‘Our Village in 1862: Celebrating Nocton Church’s 150th anniversary.’ On the Friday at 7.30pm is the Flower Festival Preview Evening. Admission (by ticket only) is £5, including wine and superior canapés. On Saturday 30 June, and Sunday 1 July, the church is open for visitors to the Flower Festival from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. There will be refreshments on sale and a plant stall. On Saturday evening (30 June) at 7.30 p.m., the Lincoln Minster School Chamber Choir (Choir of the Year 2010 category finalists) will give a varied concert of choral music, catering to all musical tastes. Tickets are £9, (under 16s free). The combined ticket price for the preview and concert is £12. The Flower Festival will close on Sunday 1 July at 6 p.m. with a Service of Songs of Praise. Tickets are available from Sue Morris (01526 321455). For more information see and

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Nocton Doodle April

Sorry to be a little late in posting the link.  I will try harder next time!

Open day - Saturday 12 May

At last the work is nearly finished!  We would like to invite all our friends to see what we have been up to on Saturday 12 May 10 am - 4 pm.  A large number of people have helped us with the project and we will be saying a public thank you to them at 2 pm.  Refreshments will be available throughout the day.  Please come and join us!

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Ellys Manor House Spring Music Festival comes to Nocton!

Flower Festival details

Friday 29 June to Sunday 1 July 2012

Our Village in 1862:

Celebrating Nocton Church’s 150th anniversary

This finest Gothic Revival church in Lincolnshire is undergoing major repairs to preserve it for future generations.

Friday, 7.30pm - Flower Festival Preview Evening

Admission by Ticket only - £5 - Wine and canapés

Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. - church open

Refreshments & plant stall.

Concert at 7.30 p.m.:

Lincoln Minster School Chamber Choir

Choir of the Year 2010 category finalists

Tickets £9, Under 16s Free, Supporters £8.

Combined ticket preview/concert - £12

Complimentary glass of wine at the interval

Sunday, 10 a.m. - church opens

Refreshments & plant stall

6.00 p.m. - A Service of Songs of Praise closes the festival

Tickets from Sue Morris

(01526 321455)

Monday 9 April 2012

Latest Nocton Doodle

Here's the link!

Nocton Doodle March 2012

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

This will be held in church on Wednesday 18 April at 7.30 pm. First, the churchwardens for the coming year will be elected. Following the election of churchwardens, the APCM itself takes place, at which, amongst other items, the Parochial Church Council is elected for the next year. Anyone resident in the village is entitled to attend and you will be welcome whether or not you are a churchgoer.

Easter Day

Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

The Easter acclamation rang out in All Saints, the church newly decorated with flowers for Easter. It looked lovely - thanks to all who helped. 41 people attended the service to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That's what Easter is about! Not Easter eggs or cute bunnies, but God sending his own Son to redeem mankind from our sins.

Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Good Friday Walk of Witness

A damp but determined group of people, including some from Nocton, set off under cloudy skies for a Walk of Witness around Branston. We started and finished at All Saints Church with prayer, between which times we walked around Branston behind a cross, stopping at a number of locations to remember the Stations of the Cross. Each stop included a reading from the Bible and a few hymn verses. Some passers by looked bemused; others watched from behind their curtains. Canon Bryan Barrodale's traffic stopping technique (standing in the middle of the road with cape billowing, shepherding his flock across) was memorable. It was good to show the villagers that there is a Christian community locally and to remind them of what Good Friday is really about.

Moving into Chapel Lane

Darkening skies - but we keep going

Back in church for Maundy Thursday

Our Maundy Thursday commemoration of the Last Supper was made extra special by being in our newly reopened church. Rev Les Whitfield led the service and performed the traditional act of washing the feet of two of the congregation (Rev Tim Thompson and Ann Kennedy). Nicholas Bennett provided musical leadership, including singing psalm verses (with perfect timing) during the Stripping of the Sanctuary, which left the high altar stark and bare. The service ended, as is traditional, in the silent departure of the congregation.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

News update

On February 20th we celebrated the licensing of the Reverend Canon Nick Buck as Priest in Charge of the benefices of Branston and Metheringham. The Reverend Sister Liz CSF was also licensed as Assistant Curate of the six parishes (Branston, Potterhanworth, Nocton, Metheringham, Blankney and Dunston). Sister Maureen and Sister Judith were commissioned for ministry in the deanery. This well attended service was held at St. Peter's Dunston. It was a truly joyful and welcoming service. We all continued to enjoy the evening at the Methodist chapel, with tasty refreshments and lots of chat.

The restoration work is progressing well. Work on the north side of the nave roof is nearly complete. Smaller repairs, eg to the pulpit and lamps are also being addressed. It is hoped that most of the work will be finished by the end of March. We are planning to be in the church cleaning on Saturday March 31st and Sunday April 1st starting at 2.00 pm. It is extremely likely that the builders will be back working on the church on Monday morning. So if you are able to help at all please come along. We will need lots of helpers. Any queries please phone - Ruth Tel. 322285 or Nicholas Tel. 322930. Please bring any cleaning equipment eg dustpan and brushes, dusters, buckets etc.

We are hoping to celebrate Easter in our beautifully restored church on Sunday April 8th at 9.30 am. We look forward to seeing you there.

Easter Fayre - please support this!

Green fingers wanted

Calling All Potential Flower Arrangers!

Would you like to help decorate our beautiful church? All Saints organise a monthly flower arrangers rota and some new helpers would be wonderful. Everyone is welcome - you do not need to be a "church goer". If you would prefer not to be responsible for a month you can share or help. Previous experience is not necessary!

Plant Stall

Sheila Redshaw and Jim Eagle are organising a plant stall as part of the Flower Festival weekend (June 29th-July1st). Funds will go towards the church restoration project. We would be grateful for any contributions - so pot up your cuttings and any plant divisions you can spare. Name labels would be appreciated if possible please. More details will follow but if you have any queries please contact Sheila Redshaw Tel. 321932 or Jim Eagle Tel. 322285

Sunday 4 March 2012

Latest Nocton Doodle

Here it is!

February 2012 Doodle.pdf

Calling all Mr & Mrs Mops

We're getting the church back soon! Volunteers are needed for the weekend of Saturday 31 March/Sunday 1 April to start to get the church fit to be used. The builders will still be working on the west end of the nave roof, but we will be able to get in and use the building. The first scheduled service at the moment is the Maundy Thursday Celebration of the Last Supper and we definitely plan to be back in church for the great celebration of Easter Day.

Please come and join us on the 31 March/1 April for the great 'get the church back' clean. Details of times to be announced shortly.

See you there!

Sunday 29 January 2012

On Monday 20 February, Rev Canon Nick Buck will be licensed as Priest-in-Charge of the benefices of Branston with Nocton and Potterhanworth, and Metheringham with Blankney and Dunston. At the same service, Sister Liz of the Community of St Francis will be licensed as Assistant Curate to the two benefices. The service will take place at Dunston St Peter's at 7.30 pm.

We hope that as many people as possible will attend the service to welcome Canon Nick Buck and Sister Liz into their formal roles; they have been supporting us informally for some time!

Sunday 15 January 2012

Church roof update

Repairs to the chancel roof are now almost complete and work has now started on the south side of the nave, where the original tiles are being re-used. The recent mild weather has enabled good progress to be made, but any wintry conditions over the next few weeks could cause delays. However, we are still hoping to have the church back in use before Easter. We're getting there...

A new member welcomed into the church family

The Baptism of Ryan Grant Bassett (aged 7 months) of Parklands Avenue, Nocton took place at St Andrew’s Church Potterhanworth on 18 December 2011. Ryan is the son of Andrew and Sarah Bassett and his godparents are Emma Mathewson and Martin Davies. The Revd Les Whitfield officiated. Ryan’s elder brother, Owen, was baptised at All Saints’ Church, Nocton in December 2009. Welcome Ryan!

Nocton Doodle

The latest edition of the Doodle is now available! Click here for lots of news on what's happening around the village.