Wednesday 18 April 2012

Ellys Manor House Spring Music Festival comes to Nocton!

Flower Festival details

Friday 29 June to Sunday 1 July 2012

Our Village in 1862:

Celebrating Nocton Church’s 150th anniversary

This finest Gothic Revival church in Lincolnshire is undergoing major repairs to preserve it for future generations.

Friday, 7.30pm - Flower Festival Preview Evening

Admission by Ticket only - £5 - Wine and canapés

Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. - church open

Refreshments & plant stall.

Concert at 7.30 p.m.:

Lincoln Minster School Chamber Choir

Choir of the Year 2010 category finalists

Tickets £9, Under 16s Free, Supporters £8.

Combined ticket preview/concert - £12

Complimentary glass of wine at the interval

Sunday, 10 a.m. - church opens

Refreshments & plant stall

6.00 p.m. - A Service of Songs of Praise closes the festival

Tickets from Sue Morris

(01526 321455)

Monday 9 April 2012

Latest Nocton Doodle

Here's the link!

Nocton Doodle March 2012

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

This will be held in church on Wednesday 18 April at 7.30 pm. First, the churchwardens for the coming year will be elected. Following the election of churchwardens, the APCM itself takes place, at which, amongst other items, the Parochial Church Council is elected for the next year. Anyone resident in the village is entitled to attend and you will be welcome whether or not you are a churchgoer.

Easter Day

Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

The Easter acclamation rang out in All Saints, the church newly decorated with flowers for Easter. It looked lovely - thanks to all who helped. 41 people attended the service to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That's what Easter is about! Not Easter eggs or cute bunnies, but God sending his own Son to redeem mankind from our sins.

Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Good Friday Walk of Witness

A damp but determined group of people, including some from Nocton, set off under cloudy skies for a Walk of Witness around Branston. We started and finished at All Saints Church with prayer, between which times we walked around Branston behind a cross, stopping at a number of locations to remember the Stations of the Cross. Each stop included a reading from the Bible and a few hymn verses. Some passers by looked bemused; others watched from behind their curtains. Canon Bryan Barrodale's traffic stopping technique (standing in the middle of the road with cape billowing, shepherding his flock across) was memorable. It was good to show the villagers that there is a Christian community locally and to remind them of what Good Friday is really about.

Moving into Chapel Lane

Darkening skies - but we keep going

Back in church for Maundy Thursday

Our Maundy Thursday commemoration of the Last Supper was made extra special by being in our newly reopened church. Rev Les Whitfield led the service and performed the traditional act of washing the feet of two of the congregation (Rev Tim Thompson and Ann Kennedy). Nicholas Bennett provided musical leadership, including singing psalm verses (with perfect timing) during the Stripping of the Sanctuary, which left the high altar stark and bare. The service ended, as is traditional, in the silent departure of the congregation.