Saturday 29 December 2012

Carol singing

A small but determined group set out from the Village Hall on 23 December to inflict, er, entertain the residents of Nocton with carols, ably accompanied by David Glew on his guitar.  The atmosphere was enhanced by having two traditional lanterns on poles and those involved thoroughly enjoyed themselves, although whether the same can be said for our audience is another matter... 

We are most grateful to those who came to their doors to listen to us (especially Fiona and Steve Dickinson who provided hot sausage rolls and mulled wine), and to the Village Hall Management Committee for providing mince pies and (more!) mulled wine when we returned.  Most of all we thank those who donated so generously - we raised the magnificent sum of £120.49, which will be divided between All Saints and the BeAttitude project at St Mary-le-Wigford, which works with homeless and other vulnerable people.

We'll be back next year...!

Latest Nocton Doodle

Here it is!

Saturday 22 December 2012

Carol Singing Sunday 23 December

We will be singing carols around the village on 23 December.  All are welcome to join in – the more the merrier!  Please meet at 5 pm outside the village hall.  A torch might come in handy, and please wrap up warmly as 'in the bleak midwinter' doesn't just apply to Bethlehem!  There will be mulled wine and mince pies afterwards in the village hall.

150th anniversary celebration

What a wonderful occasion it was last Sunday, when around 60 people, led by Bishop Christopher, gathered in All Saints to give thanks to God for 150 years of Christian service since the church was dedicated on 16 December 1862.  Bishop Christopher was assisted by his Chaplain, Sal MacDougall, Les Whitfield and Tim Thompson.  Jill Whitfield played the organ.  Ann Kennedy acted as verger, Elsie Horton and Gill Stokes read the Lessons, Liz Murray served, and Nicholas Bennett sang beautifully during Communion.  The atmosphere was full of joy and the morning was crowned by a splendid lunch in the Village Hall - many thanks to Sue, Carol, Ann, Doreen, Ruth, Elsie and everyone else who played such an important part in preparing this!  Bishop Christopher and Mrs Lowson were able to join us for the lunch and it was good to meet them in a more relaxed setting.

It was fantastic to welcome our friends and supporters including Miles Hobart-Hampden, the 10th Earl of Buckinghamshire, whose family has so many connections with Nocton.  He and Chris Howard are distantly related, both being descended from the 3rd Earl, although as Chris explained, his descent was apparently via a chambermaid rather than the 3rd Earl's wife.  Miles has been researching the family's history and shared some of his findings.

(L to R) Bishop Christopher, Marianne Overton, Chris Howard, Miles Hobart-Hampden

Marianne Overton, our County Councillor, made a presentation to All Saints on behalf of Lincolnshire County Council, offering the Council's congratulations on our 150th anniversary.

We look forward to the 200th anniversary!