Sunday 27 April 2014

Ascension Day service

Fashion show 16 June

Back by popular demand, this is the moment, ladies, to refresh your wardrobe!  Even if all you buy is a £20 scarf for £5, you will go home happy, having had an entertaining evening catching up with friends, and also with the latest trends in fashion.  The clothes are from sizes 8 to 24, modelled by real people who have generously given their time to show you how the fashions look on real people.  These are high street labels of the first quality, and there is a changing room to try before you buy.  Entry to the show is £5.   Tickets are now on sale at the Post Office, or contact Jane Kania ( or Julie Partridge (, or phone Carol Bennett (01526 322930).  Doors and Private Bar will open from 7 pm.  The fashion show starts at 7.30 pm.

Spring Sunday lunch

Tickets are now available for the Spring Sunday Lunch in aid of repairs to Nocton Church at the Village Hall at 12.30 pm.  We are still trying to raise funds to restore the damaged wall paintings in the chancel, so the continuing support of people living in the village is greatly appreciated.  Aside from cooked meats, there will be home made quiches and salads, and a delectable assortment of puddings!  Tickets are £8 for adults and £4 for children.   There will be a complimentary glass of wine or juice, with a donation bar.  Buy your tickets in the Post Office or phone Ann Kennedy (01526 322739). 

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (the church's AGM) was held on 23 April.  Six members of the congregation attended.  Liz Murray was elected as churchwarden, Ann Kennedy was elected as Deanery Synod representative and Carol Bennett, Nicholas Bennett, Ruth Eagle, Doreen Green and Chris Howard were elected as members of the Parochial Church Council for the coming year.  Ann Kennedy, Ruth Eagle and Richard and Jacky Free were elected as sidespersons.

Monday 21 April 2014

Church clean up

Thank you to the thirteen willing helpers who worked so hard to give our church a thorough spring clean. We were all pleased with the results and had a lot of fun too as you can see by Richard’s feather duster!


Alleluia!  Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!

Sunday 13 April 2014

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting (APM) and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) - the church's AGM -  will be held on Wednesday 23 April at 7.30 pm in church.

Why two meetings, you may ask? The APM is to elect the two churchwardens who will serve for the following year.  Anyone on the civil electoral register – anyone entitled to vote in government elections – or on the church electoral roll may attend the meeting.  The APCM immediately follows and is to receive the accounts, the fabric report and the report of the Parochial Church Council (PCC), and to elect the PCC and sidespersons for the following year.  Anyone on the church electoral roll is entitled to attend.  We have six elected members of the PCC.

Please join us on 23 April! We promise not to elect you as PCC member or sidesperson unless you actually volunteer!

Children's event for Good Friday

April Doodle

Please click here for the latest Doodle!