Saturday, 21 July 2018

Can you help?

We are looking for people to join our volunteer cleaning rota for church as we have had some people drop out recently for personal reasons.  We are really grateful to current and past cleaners for their enthusiasm and dedication in keeping our lovely building looking beautiful!  It isn't onerous (honestly, it isn't!) - people work in pairs and each pair is responsible for just one month each year.  The church normally needs cleaning twice a month, before the Sunday services - most people go in on Friday or Saturday but there is no set time, it's to suit the people concerned.  Occasionally there are extra services when an extra whisk round might be needed.  It normally takes around 3 hours a month.  You don't need to be a church-goer and in fact most people on the cleaning rota aren't.  If you would like to know more, please contact Ruth on 01526 322285.

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