Monday 16 September 2024

Food bank this week

Latest requests from the food bank. Thank you.

This weeks ‘Most Wanted List’:
Breakfast cereals
Tinned fruit
Soups (tomato, chicken and vegetable varieties)
Lunch box snacks: raisins, fruit bars, cereal bars

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Coffee morning - thank you!!

A huge thank you to everyone who supported the Hope for Tomorrow coffee morning in church last week - those who donated cakes, those who served the cakes and drinks, those who came and enjoyed the event! We made a massive £250.53! Thank you again - your support makes such a difference to people having treatment for cancer.

Sunday 8 September 2024

Food bank latest

Latest requests from the food bank. Thank you as always.

This weeks ‘Most Wanted List’:
Pasta sauce
Soups - all varieties
Tomato sauce
Salad cream
Toilet rolls
Lunch box snacks: raisins, fruit bars, cereal bars

Thursday 5 September 2024

Coffee morning

Don't forget the coffee morning in church tomorrow 10-12!  Lots of coffee/tea and CAKE!!

Sunday 1 September 2024

Latest food bank requests

Latest from the foodbank. Thank you.

This weeks ‘Most Wanted List’:
Tinned vegetables, peas, sweetcorn, carrots and potatoes
Tinned tomatoes
Soups: tomato, chicken and vegetable
Toilet rolls
Shower gel
Sanitary products
Squash - orange and blackcurrant
Hot dogs
Chicken in white wine sauce
Tea bags
Adults' & children’s breakfast cereals
Rice pudding
Tinned meats; steak etc
Lunch box snacks; raisins, fruit bars, cereal bars