A note for clarification - the Christmas Day service at 11 am is at Branston, not Potterhanworth (this is stated incorrectly in some information). There is also a service at Nocton at 10 am as previously indicated.
All Saints Church is OPEN for public worship on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 9.30 am and on the 1st Sunday of the month at 6pm. Please see our "Who's Who" page for contact details of keyholders. Rector: Lorna Brabin-Smith 01522 794868 lorna.brabinsmith@btinternet.com
Monday, 13 December 2021
Christmas Day Services
Sunday, 5 December 2021
Friday, 29 October 2021
Resourcing Sustainable Church
The notes of the Resourcing Sustainable Church meeting held at the end of August are now available via the link. The notes refer to a "type 2" church; this should read "type 3" (also referred to as a "community church" which is the correct description).
Saturday, 9 October 2021
Lincolnshire Co-op's Community Champions scheme
The latest round of voting for Lincolnshire Co-op's Community Champions scheme is now open. If you have a Lincolnshire Co-op dividend card would you please consider voting for All Saints Nocton. If we are successful we hope to purchase some new folding tables , stacking chairs & new crockery. These items would make it much easier to organise & enjoy social events in church for the benefit of the whole community.
Saturday, 2 October 2021
Welcome Sarah!
This Sunday we welcome the Rev’d Sarah Tierney to our benefice. Sarah is a third-year curate, based in Scunthorpe, but will be spending the next six weeks with us to gain experience of rural ministry.
Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Harvest Thanksigivng weekend
More good news from the Harvest Thanksgiving weekend - the craft fair raised £226, and £140.60 was donated from the collection at the Harvest Thanksgiving service for WaterAid. If you weren't able to be in church at the weekend to see our beautiful new green altar frontal dedicated, here's a photo of Bishop David with it.
Thank you Nocton!
This is the haul from the Harvest Thanksgiving weekend and the craft exhibition that was taken to All Saints Branston Food Bank this morning. This will make such a huge difference to families in need. Thank you to everyone who has donated.
Sunday, 26 September 2021
A new Bishop for Lincoln
Bishop Christopher leaves Lincoln at the end of December, so the search is on for a new bishop. And we’re all invited to contribute our thoughts on what sort of person we need. So what impact would you want the next Bishop of Lincoln to make across the diocese? What qualities, skills or leadership characteristics do you think they would need? What in your view are the top three priorities for the diocese in the future?
The Diocese of Lincoln is huge and very varied – from city to village, from industrial to rural, from busy suburb to remote farmhouse, from prosperous to deprived. So it’s important that a wide range of people are involved in the thinking.
You can contribute your ideas through the on-line survey on the Diocese of Lincoln website. The deadline is the end of September. Look for the survey on the website home-page. Or if you’d prefer to write in let Rev’d Lorna know and she’ll get a paper copy of the survey to you. Email lorna.brabinsmith@
btinternet.com or phone her (01522) 794868 to leave a message.
Thursday, 9 September 2021
Monday, 6 September 2021
Saturday, 28 August 2021
Our future - more information
This describes the types of churches that there might be in the future, so we can consider which type we are (and which type we want to become!). We will be discussing this at the open meeting (for anyone who is interested, church-goer or not) on Tuesday 31 August at 7.30pm in church.
Sunday, 22 August 2021
Our future
Are you interested in the future of our church here in Nocton? If so, this meeting is for you. You don't have to be a church-goer to come.
Wednesday, 28 July 2021
Book sale update
We have a date! Saturday 11 September 10am - 4pm. A great range of fiction and non fiction books, jigsaws and DVDs. Refreshments on sale, fabulous raffle and a return of the very popular Teddy Tombola.
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
Farewell to Revd Rachel
Our curate, Rachel Revely, is leaving us! Rachel has been with us for the last year and has now completed her training. She is moving to Ipswich to be priest-in-charge at St Thomas the Apostle and Martyr. Rachel will be licensed to her new role on 2 August and we wish her well for the future.
Saturday, 15 May 2021
Friday, 30 April 2021
Christian Aid week
This runs from 10-16 May this year. Here are some links.
This is the link to the fundraising page. Any donations will be much appreciated and will make a real difference to people's lives.
Here is a film you can watch during the week.
This is Rose’s story whose life is severely impacted by the lack of access to water.
Saturday, 10 April 2021
A special prayer on the death of HRH the Duke of Edinburgh
God of our lives,
we give thanks for the life of Prince Philip,
for his love of our country,
and for his devotion to duty.
We entrust him now to your love and mercy,
through our Redeemer Jesus Christ. Amen.
Friday, 9 April 2021
Friday, 26 March 2021
Holy Week services
A list of our church services as we prepare for Easter. If you are not a member of the regular congregation, it would be really helpful if you could let Lorna know if you wish to attend as due to social distancing, the capacity of the church is limited at the moment. Please also be aware that the boiler in All Saints has failed and it's not as warm in church as we would like...
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Tuesday, 2 March 2021
Wednesday, 24 February 2021
Update on services
We are still here... we have been experimenting with Morning Prayer via Zoom on Sundays and Wednesdays. This has been working well. If you are not already on the distribution list for our weekly bulletin, or would like the Zoom details, please do let us know.
We hope to be open for public worship again on Palm Sunday, 28 March. Keep checking here for updates!