Thursday, 4 September 2014

Church open

Have you ever wanted to visit our lovely church but not found it open? The church will be open on Friday afternoons between 2 and 4 pm until the end of October. Please drop in and see us!

Harvest Thanksgiving

This year our Harvest Thanksgiving Service will be on 21 September at 4 pm. This will be followed by the ever-popular Harvest Supper – please contact Ann Kennedy 01526 322739 for tickets.

Wildflower study area

From Jane Kania

The study of wildflowers within the sector in the churchyard has been completed for this year.  It created interest with passers-by and the judges in both rounds of the Best Kept Village competition.  So what have been the findings?

Some of the flowers were easily recognised; Dandelions, Daisies, Primroses and later in the year Cow Parsley.  Those perhaps not so well known though still relatively common were Cuckoo Flower, Herb Robert, Purple Dead Nettle, Ground Ivy and Bugle.  These were present in other areas within the graveyard but a number of species were found only in this area.  This was because they were able to grow and flower due to the area not being mowed as usual.  These included Common Persicaria, Creeping Buttercup and Lady's Smock.  Hopefully these will have been able to seed and spread further within the graveyard.

The study will be continued next year using another area within the graveyard.  Meanwhile there has been the offer of some wildflower seed which could be sown in areas within the graveyard where at present little appears to grow.