Sunday, 29 January 2012

On Monday 20 February, Rev Canon Nick Buck will be licensed as Priest-in-Charge of the benefices of Branston with Nocton and Potterhanworth, and Metheringham with Blankney and Dunston. At the same service, Sister Liz of the Community of St Francis will be licensed as Assistant Curate to the two benefices. The service will take place at Dunston St Peter's at 7.30 pm.

We hope that as many people as possible will attend the service to welcome Canon Nick Buck and Sister Liz into their formal roles; they have been supporting us informally for some time!

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Church roof update

Repairs to the chancel roof are now almost complete and work has now started on the south side of the nave, where the original tiles are being re-used. The recent mild weather has enabled good progress to be made, but any wintry conditions over the next few weeks could cause delays. However, we are still hoping to have the church back in use before Easter. We're getting there...

A new member welcomed into the church family

The Baptism of Ryan Grant Bassett (aged 7 months) of Parklands Avenue, Nocton took place at St Andrew’s Church Potterhanworth on 18 December 2011. Ryan is the son of Andrew and Sarah Bassett and his godparents are Emma Mathewson and Martin Davies. The Revd Les Whitfield officiated. Ryan’s elder brother, Owen, was baptised at All Saints’ Church, Nocton in December 2009. Welcome Ryan!

Nocton Doodle

The latest edition of the Doodle is now available! Click here for lots of news on what's happening around the village.