It's this week!
All Saints Church is OPEN for public worship on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 9.30 am and on the 1st Sunday of the month at 6pm. Please see our "Who's Who" page for contact details of keyholders. Rector: Lorna Brabin-Smith 01522 794868
A massive thank you to everyone who helped with the spring clean yesterday or in the days leading up to it. The church is positively sparkling! It's lovely to see our beautiful church looking at its best. Thank you again.
The church electoral roll is being redone from scratch, as is required every six years. Being on the electoral roll entitles you to vote in church elections (just as being on the civil electoral register entitles you to vote in civil elections). If you are already on the roll you should have received an email about this. If not, but you would like to be, there are some forms in church or the form is available at the url below. I need the forms back by 30 April please. Drop them into church or my home (leave a comment if you need the address).
Thanks to all who supported the book sale at All Saints Church last weekend, by donating books or jigsaws, making cakes, putting all the books out, serving drinks - or just coming and buying the books! We raised a splendid £1669.60 for church funds.